Woking Rock Choir
If you have ever wondered 'are there any community choirs near me?' then the answer is firmly yes!
The local Woking choir is run by singing teacher Danny Gortler. Over the past few years Rock Choir has entered British people's hearts with its unique mix of en-masse singing, fundraising, television appearances, and commitment to community singing in towns like Woking. With performances at prestigious national venues such as 158 metres up the BT tower in London and sporting events such as the exceptional 2012 olympic torch events, you too can have the opportunity to be a singing star!
With no audition process, no need to read music and no pressure to sing live or perform until you're ready, Danny's expert tuition will guide you through our unique arrangements of your favorite pop, Motown and rock hits from the last few decades. Whether you're joining to make new friends, find some time for yourself or even find the courage to sing on a stage, the fun and relaxed atmosphere at our rehearsals will really boost your spirits and leave you with a natural high! Book a session to try the choir for FREE at www.rockchoir.com.
Here is a quote about our choir - 'Rock Choir is fab! Three part harmony, choreography, fun and laughter! I leave on a total natural high each week!' - Leslie (Rock Choir member)
Rock Choir is a winner of the Red Ribbon 'Big Heart' Award [https://rockchoir.com/awards-achievements/]. and holds 1 former and 2 current Guinness World Records. The choir is also credited with single handedly starting the contemporary choir movement.
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