Sold House Prices in HA3

Historical house price data for HA3 provided by Foxtons and the Land Registry

Summary of all properties sold in HA3


Average sale price of all properties in November


Flat & Apartment

4 sales in November



19 sales in November

Last 12 months: Average sold prices

Source: Land Registry. Latest property sales information (for Nov 24) across all estate agents selling property in HA3

Average sold prices in HA3

2000 - 2024

We can see that average property prices in HA3 are higher than last year. In fact, property prices in HA3 have been increasing for 3 years in a row now which is a great sign for local homeowners looking for larger equity in their homes. The average home in HA3 is now worth 9% more this year than it was 3 years ago.

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Number of sold properties per year in HA3

2000 - 2024


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