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"Connecting Smithfield Market and Farringdon Station, aptly named Cowcross Street was used as a route to take cows to market."
Thomas Holmes
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Blackfriars is an area of central London, which lies in the south-west corner of the City of London. The name Blackfriars was first used in 1317 (as Black Freres from the French 'frère' meaning 'brother') and derives from the black cappa worn by the Dominican Friars who moved their priory from Holborn to the area between the River Thames and Ludgate Hill in 1276. The area is now the location of Blackfriars station, and forms the northern bridge-head for both Blackfriars Bridge and Blackfriars Railway Bridge. Alongside the road bridge is Blackfriars Millennium Pier, a stop for river bus services on London River Services. The Victoria Embankment stretches along the north bank of the river west from Blackfriars to Westminster Bridge. Notable buildings in the area include the large Art Deco Unilever House. The older parts of Blackfriars have regularly been used as a filming location in film and television, particularly for modern films and serials set in Victorian times.
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