Laugh to Keep the Lights On!
The Sunday Assembly London team is a little bit nervous. We've decided to do something exceptionally fun and we want you to be part of it, but it's really quite radical. Brace yourselves...
Sunday Assembly is planning a get-together that's not on a Sunday... and isn't an Assembly. We know. What's got into us? Are we doing this for a laugh?
That's exactly why we're doing it. Though there is a serious reason too. Allow us to explain.
Ever since Sunday Assembly was founded – by two comedians – our three tenets have included Live Better and Wonder More. (We'll get to the other tenet later.) Comedy nights are great for both: the uplift of shared laughter and the marvel of well-crafted comedy.
Our host is James Ross, whose Quantum Leopard comedy nights have won awards for showcasing stand-up that doesn't punch down. He's put together a fabulous line-up for us:
Mark Thomas: Mark's been performing comedy on stage and screen for over 35 years. He mixes theatre, journalism and the odd bout of performance art
Ben Pope: From Cambridge Footlights to Edinburgh Fringe to London clubs, Ben’s been called ‘one of the best storytellers in comedy’
Jamie Mykaela: A comedy-cabaret artist who’s been described as ‘bawdy, brassy, vulnerable and intense’, with performances fuelled by 12 years of opera training
Alex Franklin: Acclaimed in 2024 for being ‘winningly weird’, Alex’s performances have blended musical comedy, science and the joy of being trans
Thursday 10th April from 7:30pm to 10pm (doors open at 7:30pm; show starts at 8pm)
Thursday 10th April from 7:30pm to 10pm.
Every penny will go to Sunday Assembly London, at a time when we really need it to ensure we have a future. So while you're laughing to keep our lights on, you'll be upholding our other tenet: Help Often. And we'll be so grateful to you.
Tickets are non refundable.
We have 20 concession rate tickets for those on a low income or precariously employed.
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