Fleet Rock Choir
If you are wanting to learn to sing you'll like singing with us in the Fleet Rock Choir.
Your local Fleet choir is run by vocal coach Lucy Hewes. The local men and women who have joined the choir who live in Fleet and further afield in Hampshire come from all walks of life and most had no singing experience or ever thought their singing journey would ever take them on TV or radio (not compulsory :-) ). Once you join the choir you will find you learn the songs by rote from a brilliant set of resources and you will be amazed how quickly you go from 'not sure' to 'performance ready'. The songs are uniquely arranged by Rock Choir founder Caroline Redman Lusher to make songs easy to sing yet still challenge you in places.
Joining a choir can be a brave step to take for some and in light of this Lucy tries to make it as easy as possible for you by giving the opportunity to have a FREE taster session and then to have a chat with her about singing. Rock Choir is the leading group in community singing. We launched our FREE choir taster sessions back in 2005 and have 19 years experience giving members of the public who are new to singing in a choir the chance to try joining a choir without the need to audition or read music.
Here is a quote about our choir - 'I spend many hours every day driving and in meetings. It's often quite a struggle to get to Rock Choir and I often don't really feel like making the effort. Something magic happens when I get there - a combination of the unfailing cheerfulness of our Rock Choir tutor, the physical movement, breathing and singing, the (usually!) lovely sound of the combined voices of the choir - suddenly the stress of the day melts away, energy returns and a feeling of well-being arrives. It's been a difficult year for me - got divorced, my best friend with terminal illness passed away and I survived a tricky restructure at work, Rock Choir has often been the one really positive highlight in my week - thank you!' - Sue (Rock Choir Member)
Rock Choir is a winner of the Red Ribbon 'Big Heart' Award [https://rockchoir.com/awards-achievements/]. and holds 1 former and 2 current Guinness World Records. The choir is also credited with single handedly starting the contemporary choir movement.
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