Academy Gardens Children's Centre
Northolt - Acton Gardens Primary School
London Good Acton Park Children's Centre
Acton - Alec Reed Academy
Northolt Good Allenby Primary School
Southall Good Ark Priory Primary Academy
London Outstanding Beaconsfield Primary and Nursery School
Southall Good Blair Peach Primary School
Southall Good Brentside Primary School
London Good Christ the Saviour Church of England Primary School (R)
London Good Clifton Lodge School
- - Clifton Primary School
Southall Outstanding Copley Close Children's Centre
Hanwell - Coston Primary School
Greenford Good Dairy Meadow Primary School
Southall Good Derwentwater Primary School
London Good Dormers Wells Children's Centre
Southall - Dormers Wells Primary School
Southall Good Downe Manor Primary School
Northolt Good Drayton Green Primary School
London Requires improvement Durdans Park Primary School
Southall Good Durston House School
London - Ealing Hospital Children's Centre
Southall - Featherstone Primary and Nursery School
Southall Outstanding Fielding Primary School
London Outstanding Gifford Primary School
Northolt Outstanding Grange Children's Centre
Ealing - Grange Primary School
London Good Greenfields Children's Centre
Southall - Greenfields Nursery School and Children's Centre
Southall Outstanding Greenwood Primary School
Northolt Good Grove House Children's Centre
Southall - Grove House Nursery School & Children's Centre
Southall Outstanding Hambrough Primary School
Middlesex Good Hathaway Children's Centre
Ealing - Havelock Children's Centre
Southall - Havelock Primary School, Nursery & Arp
Southall Good Hobbayne Primary School
London Good Holy Family Catholic Primary School (R)
London Outstanding Horsenden Children's Centre
Greenford - Horsenden Primary School
Greenford Good Islip Manor Children's Centre
Northolt - John Perryn Children's Centre
Acton - John Perryn Primary School
London Good Jubilee Hall Children's Centre
West Ealing - Khalsa Primary School (R)
Southall Good La Chouette School
Ealing Good Lady Margaret Primary School
Southall Good Limetrees Park Children's Centre
Northolt - Little Ealing Primary School
London Good Log Cabin Children's Centre
Ealing - Mandeville School (SEN)
Middlesex Outstanding Maples Children's Centre
Acton - Maples Nursery School and Children's Centre
London Requires improvement Mayfield Primary School
London Good Montpelier Primary School
London Good Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School (R)
London Good North Ealing Children's Centre
Ealing - North Ealing Primary School
London Good Northolt Park Children's Centre
Northolt - Oaklands Primary School
London Outstanding Oldfield Primary School
Greenford Good Our Lady of the Visitation Catholic Primary School (R)
Greenford Good Perivale Children's Centre
Perivale - Perivale Primary School
Greenford Outstanding Petts Hill Children's Centre
Northolt - Petts Hill Primary School
Northolt Good Ravenor Primary School
Greenford Good Selborne Primary School
Greenford Outstanding South Acton Children's Centre
South Acton - South Acton Childrens Centre
London Outstanding Southall Park Children's Centre
Southall - St Anselm's Catholic Primary School (R)
Southall Good St Augustine's Priory
London - St Benedict's School (R)
- - St Gregory's Catholic Primary School (R)
London Good St John Fisher Catholic Primary School (R)
Greenford Good St John's Primary School
London Outstanding St Joseph's Catholic Primary School (R)
London Good St Mark's Primary School
London Good St Mary's Church of England Primary Norwood Green (R)
Southall Good St Raphael's Catholic Primary School (R)
Northolt Good St Vincent's Catholic Primary School (R)
London Outstanding Stanhope Primary School
Greenford Good The Edward Betham Church of England Primary School (R)
Greenford Good Three Bridges Primary School
Southall Outstanding Tudor Primary School
Southall Good Vicar's Green Primary School
Wembley Outstanding Viking Primary School
Northolt Good West Acton Primary School
London Good West Twyford PS & CC
North Acton - West Twyford Primary School
London Good Willow Tree Primary School
Northolt Good Windmill Children's Centre
Greenford - Windmill Park Children's Centre
Southall - Wolf Fields Primary School
Southall Good Wood End Library/Children's Centre
- - Wood End Primary School
Northolt Requires improvement Woodlands Academy
London Good Ysgol Gymraeg Llundain, London Welsh School
London Good