Alexandra Primary School
Hounslow Good Ashton House School
- - Beavers Children's Centre
Hounslow - Beavers Community Primary School
Hounslow Outstanding Bedfont Children's Centre
Bedfont - Bedfont Primary School
London Good Belmont Primary School
London Good Berkeley Academy
Hounslow - Brentford Children's Centre
Brentford - Cardinal Road Infant and Nursery School
Feltham Outstanding Cavendish Primary School
London Good Chatsworth Primary School
Hounslow Good Chiswick Children's Centre
Chiswick - Crane Park Children's Centre
Hanworth - Crane Park Primary School
Feltham Good Cranford Children's Centre
Cranford - Cranford Primary School
Hounslow Good Edward Pauling Primary School
Feltham Outstanding Fairholme Primary School
Feltham Good Feltham Hill Infant and Nursery School
Feltham Outstanding Feltham North Children's Centre(Alf Kings)
Feltham - Green Dragon Primary School
Brentford Good Grove Park Primary School
London Outstanding Grove Road Primary School
Hounslow Good Heathfield House School
London - Heston Primary School
Hounslow Good Hounslow Heath School
Hounslow - Hounslow Town Primary School
Hounslow Good International School of London
London Good Isleworth Town Primary School
Isleworth Good Ivybridge Primary School
Isleworth Good Lampton Children's Centre
Hounslow - Lindon Bennett School (SEN)
Feltham Good Lionel Primary School
Brentford Outstanding Marlborough Primary School
Isleworth Good Midsummer Park Children's Centre
Hounslow - Norwood Green Infant and Nursery School
Southall Good Oaklands School (SEN)
Hounslow Outstanding Orchard House School
London - Orchard Primary School
Hounslow Good Oriel Academy West London
Feltham Good Our Lady and St John's Catholic Primary School (R)
Brentford Good Reach Academy Feltham
Feltham Outstanding Reach Academy Hanworth Park
Feltham - South Isleworth Childrens Centre
Isleworth - Southville Primary School
Feltham Good Sparrow Farm Primary School
Feltham Good Spring Grove Primary School
Isleworth Good Springwell School
Hounslow Good St Lawrence Catholic Primary School (R)
Feltham Good St Mary's Catholic Primary School ,Chiswick (R)
London Good St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Isleworth (R)
Isleworth Good St Michael and St Martin Catholic Primary School (R)
Hounslow Outstanding St Paul's CofE Primary School (R)
Brentford Good St Richard's Church of England Primary School (R)
Hanworth Good Strand-on-the-Green Infant and Nursery School
London Good Suffah Primary School
Hounslow - Tarbiyyah Primary School
Hounslow Good The Blue School CofE Primary (R)
Isleworth Good The Rosary Catholic Primary School (R)
Hounslow Good The Smallberry Green Primary School
Isleworth Good The St Michael Steiner School
London - The William Hogarth Primary School
London Good Unique Academy
Hounslow Good Wellington Primary School
Hounslow Good Westbrook Primary School
Hounslow Good Worple Primary School
Isleworth Good