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Schools in Tower Hamlets LEA

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Save Nursery / pre-school Location Ofsted grade
Aberfeldy Children's Centre London
Alice Model Nursery School London Outstanding
Arnhem Wharf Primary School London Good
Around Poplar Children's Centre London
Bangabandhu Primary School London Good
Ben Jonson Primary School London Good
Bigland Green Primary School London Outstanding
Blue Gate Fields Infants' School London Good
Bonner Primary School London Good
Buttercup Primary School London Inadequate
Bygrove Primary School London Outstanding
Cayley Primary School London Good
Childrens House Nursery School London Outstanding
Chisenhale Primary School London Good
Chrisp Street Sure Start Children's Centre London
Christ Church CofE School London Good
Collingwood Children's Centre London
Columbia Market Nursery School London Outstanding
Columbia Primary School London
Cubitt Town Primary School London Good
Culloden Primary - A Paradigm Academy London Outstanding
Cyril Jackson Primary School London
Date Palm Primary Good
East India London
Elizabeth Selby Infants' School London Good
English Martyrs Roman Catholic Primary School London Good
Gatehouse School London
Globe Primary School London Outstanding
Hague Primary School London Good
Halley Primary School London Good
Harbinger Primary School London Good
Harry Gosling Primary School London Good
Hermitage Primary School London
Isle of Dogs Children's Centre London
John Scurr Primary School London Good
John Smith Children's Centre London
Kobi Nazrul Primary School London Good
Lansbury Lawrence Primary School London Outstanding
Lincoln Children's Centre London
Little Oaks Sure Start Children's Centre London
Malmesbury Primary School London Good
Manorfield Primary School London Good
Marion Richardson Primary School London Outstanding
Marner London
Marner Primary School London Good
Mayflower Primary School London Outstanding
Meath Gardens Children's Centre Bethnal Green
Mile End Children's Centre London
Montefiore Children's Centre London
Mowlem Children's Centre London
Mowlem Primary School London Outstanding
Mulberry Canon Barnett Primary Academy London
Ocean Children's Centre London
Ocean Sure Start Children's Centre London
Old Church Nursery School London
Old Ford Primary - A Paradigm Academy London Outstanding
Olga Children's Centre London
Olga Primary School London Good
Osmani Primary School London Good
Our Lady and St Joseph Catholic Primary School London Good
Overland Children's Centre London
Phoenix School London Outstanding
Rachel Keeling Nursery School London Outstanding
River House Montessori School London
Seven Mills Primary School London Good
Sir William Burrough Primary School London Requires improvement
Solebay Primary - A Paradigm Academy London Outstanding
St Agnes RC Primary School London Outstanding
St Edmund's Catholic School London Good
St John's Church of England Primary School London Good
St Luke's Church of England Primary School London Good
St Mary and St Michael Primary School London Good
St Paul With St Luke CofE Primary Federation London Good
St Paul's Whitechapel Church of England Primary School London Good
St Peter's London Docks CofE Primary School London Outstanding
St Saviour's Church of England Primary School London Outstanding
Stebon Primary School London Outstanding
Stephen Hawking School London Outstanding
Stepney Park Primary School London Good
Stewart Headlam Primary School London Outstanding
The Clara Grant Primary School London Good
Thomas Buxton Primary School London Outstanding
Virginia Primary School London Outstanding
Wapping Children's Centre London
Wellington Primary School London Outstanding
William Davis Primary School London Good
Woolmore Primary School London Outstanding
Save Primary school Ofsted grade Total pupils Meeting expected standard
National average 61%
Alice Model Nursery School Outstanding 69 -
Al-Mizan School Good 118 -
Arnhem Wharf Primary School Good 554 61%
Bangabandhu Primary School Good 364 78%
Beatrice Tate School SEN Outstanding 122 -
Ben Jonson Primary School Good 642 64%
Bigland Green Primary School Outstanding 479 90%
Bishop Challoner Catholic School (R) - -
Blue Gate Fields Infants' School Good 329 -
Blue Gate Fields Junior School Good 350 79%
Bonner Primary School Good 770 64%
Bow School Good 1267 -
Bowden House School SEN Good 40 -
Brick Lane School SEN Good 47 -
Buttercup Primary School Inadequate 134 -
Bygrove Primary School Outstanding 245 76%
Canary Wharf College Crossharbour Requires improvement 484 -
Canary Wharf College, East Ferry (R) Good 337 72%
Canary Wharf College, Glenworth (R) Outstanding 340 -
Cayley Primary School Good 480 73%
Central Foundation Girls' School Good 1515 -
Childrens House Nursery School Outstanding 138 -
Chisenhale Primary School Good 326 74%
Christ Church CofE School (R) Good 168 83%
Columbia Market Nursery School Outstanding 48 -
Columbia Primary School - -
Cubitt Town Primary School Good 684 78%
Culloden Primary - A Paradigm Academy Outstanding 650 71%
Cyril Jackson Primary School 456 -
Daffodil Preparatory School - -
Darul Hadis Latifiah 133 -
Date Palm Primary Good 254 -
Elizabeth Selby Infants' School Good 274 -
English Martyrs Roman Catholic Primary School (R) Good 180 81%
Faraday School 108 -
Gatehouse School 530 -
George Green's School Good 1249 -
Globe Primary School Outstanding 357 89%
Hague Primary School Good 206 80%
Halley Primary School Good 210 60%
Harbinger Primary School Good 275 45%
Harry Gosling Primary School Good 437 68%
Hermitage Primary School - -
Ian Mikardo School SEN Good 49 -
Jamiatul Ummah School Good 189 -
John Scurr Primary School Good 484 76%
Kobi Nazrul Primary School Good 243 74%
Langdon Park Community School Good 1076 -
Lansbury Lawrence Primary School Outstanding 447 60%
Lawdale Junior School Good 202 73%
London East Academy Good 156 -
London East Alternative Provision Outstanding 96 -
London Enterprise Academy Requires improvement 485 -
London Islamic School Good 141 -
Madani Secondary Girls' School Good 264 -
Malmesbury Primary School Good 461 72%
Manorfield Primary School Good 689 79%
Marion Richardson Primary School Outstanding 468 66%
Marner Primary School Good 653 67%
Mayflower Primary School Outstanding 404 98%
Mazahirul Uloom London School Good 125 -
Morpeth School Good 1524 -
Mowlem Primary School Outstanding 227 90%
Mulberry Academy London Dock - -
Mulberry Academy Shoreditch Good 1439 -
Mulberry Canon Barnett Primary Academy 193 -
Mulberry School for Girls Outstanding 1663 -
Mulberry Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College Good 1356 -
Mulberry Wood Wharf Primary School 66 -
Oaklands School Good 907 -
Old Ford Primary - A Paradigm Academy Outstanding 679 78%
Old Palace Primary School Good 399 75%
Olga Primary School Good 559 77%
Osmani Primary School Good 414 86%
Our Lady and St Joseph Catholic Primary School (R) Good 435 69%
Phoenix School SEN Outstanding 507 0%
Rachel Keeling Nursery School Outstanding 67 -
River House Montessori School 126 -
Seven Mills Primary School Good 228 73%
Sir William Burrough Primary School Requires improvement 344 96%
Solebay Primary - A Paradigm Academy Outstanding 187 62%
St Agnes RC Primary School (R) Outstanding 205 71%
St Edmund's Catholic School (R) Good 214 96%
St John's Church of England Primary School (R) Good 168 68%
St Luke's Church of England Primary School (R) Good 406 66%
St Mary and St Michael Primary School (R) Good 416 79%
St Paul With St Luke CofE Primary Federation (R) Good 199 55%
St Paul's Way Trust School Good 1877 -
St Paul's Whitechapel Church of England Primary School (R) Good 216 90%
St Peter's London Docks CofE Primary School (R) Outstanding 228 92%
St Saviour's Church of England Primary School (R) Outstanding 231 86%
Stebon Primary School Outstanding 691 82%
Stephen Hawking School SEN Outstanding 95 0%
Stepney All Saints Church of England Secondary School (R) Outstanding 1367 -
Stepney Greencoat Church of England Primary School (R) Good 167 57%
Stepney Park Primary School Good 767 65%
Stewart Headlam Primary School Outstanding 209 72%
Swanlea School Outstanding 1304 -
The Clara Grant Primary School Good 424 74%
The Complete Works Good 90 -
Thomas Buxton Primary School Outstanding 424 75%
Virginia Primary School Outstanding 214 81%
Wapping High School Good 335 -
Wellington Primary School Outstanding 404 65%
William Davis Primary School Good 187 75%
Woolmore Primary School Outstanding 666 68%
Save Secondary school Ofsted grade Total pupils GCSE Grade 5+ in English & maths
National average 39.6%
Beatrice Tate School SEN Outstanding 114 -
Bishop Challoner Catholic School (R) - -
Bow School Good 1264 50%
Bowden House School SEN Good 40 0%
Brick Lane School SEN Good - -
Canary Wharf College Crossharbour Requires improvement 454 58%
Central Foundation Girls' School Good 1529 63%
Darul Hadis Latifiah 140 79%
East London Arts & Music Outstanding - -
George Green's School Good 1233 50%
Ian Mikardo School SEN Good 55 0%
Jamiatul Ummah School Good 168 79%
Langdon Park Community School Good 1074 46%
London East Academy Good 159 89%
London East Alternative Provision Outstanding - -
London Enterprise Academy Requires improvement 464 35%
London Islamic School Good 138 43%
Madani Secondary Girls' School Good 280 63%
Mazahirul Uloom London School Good 124 59%
Morpeth School Good 1544 48%
Mulberry Academy London Dock - -
Mulberry Academy Shoreditch Good 1345 57%
Mulberry School for Girls Outstanding 1616 56%
Mulberry Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College Good 1302 60%
Mulberry UTC Good 384 36%
New City College - 16%
Oaklands School Good 940 55%
Onelab College SEN - -
Phoenix Autism Trust SEN Good - -
Phoenix School SEN Outstanding 469 -
River House Montessori School 308 -
St Paul's Way Trust School Good 1868 65%
Stepney All Saints Church of England Secondary School (R) Outstanding 1418 70%
Swanlea School Outstanding 1291 74%
The Complete Works Good 81 4%
Wapping High School Good 336 34%
Workers' Educational Association Good - -
Save Sixth forms Ofsted grade Total pupils Average result
National average 32.39
Beatrice Tate School Outstanding 122 -
Bishop Challoner Catholic School - -
Bow School Good 1267 24.46
Bowden House School Good 40 -
Central Foundation Girls' School Good 1515 34.77
Darul Hadis Latifiah 133 10
East London Arts & Music Outstanding 300 36.67
George Green's School Good 1249 33.7
Ian Mikardo School Good 49 -
Langdon Park Community School Good 1076 26.9
Madani Secondary Girls' School Good 264 -
Morpeth School Good 1524 34.18
Mulberry Academy London Dock - -
Mulberry Academy Shoreditch Good 1439 25.3
Mulberry School for Girls Outstanding 1663 33.01
Mulberry Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College Good 1356 27.91
Mulberry UTC Good 482 18.82
New City College - 27.18
Oaklands School Good 907 34.22
Phoenix School Outstanding 507 -
St Paul's Way Trust School Good 1877 37.86
Stepney All Saints Church of England Secondary School Outstanding 1367 34.16
Swanlea School Outstanding 1304 37.03
The Complete Works Good 90 -
Workers' Educational Association Good - -
Save University Location
Courtauld Institute of Art WC2R 0RN
Queen Mary University of London E1 4NS

© Crown Copyright. Data is provided by the Department of Education.

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