Al-Sadiq School
London - Alperton Children's Centre
London - Anson Primary School
London Good Ark Academy
Wembley Outstanding Ark Franklin Primary Academy
London Good Avigdor Hirsch Torah Temimah Primary School (R)
London Good Barham Primary School
Wembley Good Bnos Beis Yaakov Primary School
London Good Braintcroft E-ACT Primary Academy
London Good Brentfield Primary School
London Good Buxlow Preparatory School
Wembley - Carlton Vale Infant School
London Good Chalkhill Primary School
Wembley Good Christ Church CofE Primary School (R)
Brondesbury Good Church Lane Children's Centre
London - College Green School and Services
London Outstanding Convent of Jesus and Mary RC Infant School (R)
London Outstanding Curzon Crescent Children's Centre
London - Curzon Nursery School & Family Wellbeing Centre
London Good Donnington Primary School
London Good Elsley Primary School
Wembley Good Fawood Children's Centre
Harlesden - Fawood Nursery School & Family Wellbeing Centre
London Good Fryent Primary School
London Good Furness Primary School
London Good Gladstone Park Primary School
London Good Granville Plus Children Centre
London - Granville Plus Nursery School
London Good Harlesden Primary School
London Good Harmony Children's Centre
Brent - John Keble CofE Primary School (R)
London Good Kingsbury Green Primary School
London Good Leopold Primary School
- Good Lycee International de Londres
London - Lyon Park Primary School
Wembley Good Malorees Infant School
London Good Mitchell Brook Primary School
London Good Mora Primary School
London Good Mount Stewart Children's Centre
Kenton - Mount Stewart Infant School
Harrow Good Newfield Primary School
London Good North West London Jewish Day School (R)
London Good Northview Junior and Infant School
London Good Oakington Manor Primary School
Wembley Good Oliver Goldsmith Primary School
London Good Our Lady of Grace RC Infant and Nursery School (R)
London Outstanding Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School (R)
London Good Park Lane Primary School
Wembley Good Preston Park Children's Centre
- - Preston Park Primary School
Wembley Good Princess Frederica CofE Primary School (R)
London Good Roe Green Infant School
London Good Salusbury Primary School
London Good Sinai Jewish Primary School (R)
Harrow Good St Andrew and St Francis CofE Primary School (R)
London Good St Christopher's Prep School
Wembley - St Joseph's Catholic Infant School (R)
Wembley Good St Joseph's Roman Catholic Primary School (R)
London Outstanding St Margaret Clitherow RC Primary School (R)
London Good St Mary's CofE Primary School (R)
London Good St Mary's RC Primary School (R)
London - St Raphaels Children's Centre
London - St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary School (R)
London Outstanding Sudbury Primary School
Wembley Good The Stonebridge School
London Requires improvement The Village School (SEN)
London Outstanding Three Trees Children's Centre
London - Treetops Children's Centre
Willesden - Uxendon Manor Primary School
Harrow Good Wembley Primary Children's Centre
London - Willows Children's Centre
Wembley - Wykeham Children's Centre
London - Wykeham Primary School
London Outstanding