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Schools in Lambeth LEA

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Save Nursery / pre-school Location Ofsted grade
Allen Edwards Primary School London Good
Ashmole Primary School London Outstanding
Bonneville Primary School London Outstanding
Cherry Tree Children's Centre West Norwood
Christ Church Primary SW9 London Good
Clapham Manor Primary School London Good
Clapham Manor Primary School and Children's Centre Clapham
Coin Street Family & Children's Centre London
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School London Outstanding
Crown Lane Primary School London Good
Crown Lane Primary School & Children's Centre London
Effra Early Years and Children's Centre Lambeth
Effra Nursery School and Children's Centre London Good
Elm Wood School London Good
Ethelred Nursery School and Children's Centre London Outstanding
Ethelred Nursery School & Children's Centre Lambeth
Fenstanton Primary School London Requires improvement
Glenbrook Primary School London Good
Granton Primary School London Outstanding
Heathbrook Primary School London Good
Heathbrook Primary School & Children's Centre
Henry Cavendish Primary School London Outstanding
Henry Fawcett Primary School London Good
Henry Fawcett Primary School and Children's Centre Kennington
Herbert Morrison Primary School London Outstanding
Hill Mead Primary School London Requires improvement
Hitherfield Primary School London Good
Hitherfield Primary School & Children's Centre (P2)
Holmewood Nursery School London Outstanding
Immanuel and St Andrew Church of England Primary School London Outstanding
Iqra Primary School London Outstanding
Jessop Primary School London Outstanding
Jessop Primary School & Children's Centre
Jubilee Primary School London Good
Jubilee Primary School and Children's Centre Lambeth
Julian's School London Good
Kings Avenue School London Good
Kingswood Children's Centre at Norwood Park West Norwood
Kingswood Primary School London Good
Kingswood Primary School & Children's Centre Lambeth
Lark Hall Primary School and Children's Centre Lambeth
Larkhall Primary Campus London Good
Liz Atkinson Children's Centre London
Loughborough Primary School London
Loughborough Primary School & Children's Centre Brixton
Macaulay Church of England Primary School Good
Maytree Nursery School London Outstanding
Maytree Nursery School & Children's Centre London
Oakfield Preparatory School
Oasis Academy Johanna London Good
Paxton Primary School London Good
Reay Primary School LONDON Outstanding
Richard Atkins Primary School London Good
Rosemead Preparatory School London
Rosendale Primary School London Outstanding
Rosendale Primary School & Children's Centre London
St Anne's Catholic Primary School London Requires improvement
St Bede's Catholic Infant School London Good
St Helen's Catholic Primary School London Good
St John the Divine Church of England Primary School London Good
St John's Angell Town Church of England Primary School London Good
St Leonard's Church of England Primary School London Outstanding
St Luke's Church of England Primary School London Good
St Mark's Church of England Primary School London Good
St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School London Outstanding
St Stephens CE Primary School & Children's Centre Stockwell
St Stephen's Church of England Primary School London Good
Stockwell Primary School London Good
Stockwell Primary School and Children's Centre Stockwell
Streatham & Clapham High School
Streatham Hub Children's Centre Streatham
Streatham Wells Primary London Outstanding
Sudbourne Primary School London Good
Sunnyhill Primary School London Good
Sunnyhill Primary School and Children's Centre Lambeth
Telferscot Primary School London Outstanding
The Livity School London Good
The Weir Link Children's Centre
The White House Preparatory School & Woodentops Kindergarten London
Tree House Children's Centre at Holmewood Nursery School Lambeth
Triangle Nursery School London Outstanding
Van Gogh Primary London Good
Vauxhall Primary School London Good
Walnut Tree Walk Primary School London Good
Woodmansterne Primary School & Children's Centre
Woodmansterne School London Good
Wyvil Primary School and Resource Bases for Speech, Language and Communication Needs, and Autism London Good
Save Primary school Ofsted grade Total pupils Meeting expected standard
National average 61%
Allen Edwards Primary School Good 370 79%
Archbishop Sumner Church of England Primary School (R) Outstanding 288 70%
Ark Evelyn Grace Academy Requires improvement 437 -
Ashmole Primary School Outstanding 219 78%
Bishop Thomas Grant Catholic Secondary School (R) Outstanding 1175 -
Bonneville Primary School Outstanding 358 71%
Christ Church Primary SW9 (R) Good 163 68%
Christ Church, Streatham Church of England Primary School (R) Good 162 77%
City Heights E-ACT Academy Good 549 -
Clapham Manor Primary School Good 387 61%
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School (R) Outstanding 395 95%
Crown Lane Primary School Good 249 63%
Dunraven School Good 1791 -
Effra Nursery School and Children's Centre Good 94 -
Elm Court School SEN Outstanding 147 -
Elm Wood School Good 392 78%
Evolve Academy 97 -
Fenstanton Primary School Requires improvement 285 59%
Glenbrook Primary School Good 145 65%
Granton Primary School Outstanding 633 77%
Harris Academy Clapham Good 764 -
Heathbrook Primary School Good 416 87%
Henry Cavendish Primary School Outstanding 819 78%
Henry Fawcett Primary School Good 218 30%
Herbert Morrison Primary School Outstanding 217 86%
Heron Academy SEN 79 -
Hill Mead Primary School Requires improvement 289 63%
Hitherfield Primary School Good 636 65%
Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School (R) Requires improvement 218 74%
Immanuel and St Andrew Church of England Primary School (R) Outstanding 427 76%
Iqra Primary School (R) Outstanding 245 93%
Jessop Primary School Outstanding 311 86%
Jubilee Primary School Good 343 62%
Julian's School Good 966 74%
JUS Education SEN - -
Kings Avenue School Good 148 46%
Kingswood Primary School Good 477 73%
La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls' School (R) Outstanding 1195 -
Lansdowne School SEN Good 164 -
Larkhall Primary Campus Good 331 80%
Lilian Baylis Technology School Outstanding 844 -
Loughborough Primary School - -
Macaulay Church of England Primary School (R) Good 176 69%
Oakfield Preparatory School 298 -
Oasis Academy Johanna Good 186 73%
Oasis Academy South Bank Outstanding 713 -
Octavia House Schools, London SEN 85 -
Paxton Primary School Good 462 71%
Platanos College Good 856 -
Reay Primary School Outstanding 224 62%
Richard Atkins Primary School Good 260 62%
Rosemead Preparatory School 283 -
Rosendale Primary School Outstanding 621 82%
Saint Gabriel's College (R) Good 657 -
Silburn Reid - -
St Andrew's Catholic Primary School (R) Outstanding 389 90%
St Andrew's Church of England Primary School (R) Good 168 70%
St Anne's Catholic Primary School (R) Requires improvement 224 32%
St Bede's Catholic Infant School (R) Good 87 -
St Bernadette Catholic Junior School (R) Good 137 71%
St Helen's Catholic Primary School (R) Good 265 75%
St John the Divine Church of England Primary School (R) Good 130 85%
St John's Angell Town Church of England Primary School (R) Good 199 77%
St Jude's Church of England Primary School (R) Good 165 72%
St Leonard's Church of England Primary School (R) Outstanding 392 67%
St Luke's Church of England Primary School (R) Good 188 87%
St Mark's Church of England Primary School (R) Good 220 60%
St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School (R) Outstanding 318 69%
St Saviour's Church of England Primary School (R) Good 182 80%
St Stephen's Church of England Primary School (R) Good 195 83%
Stockwell Primary School Good 412 70%
Streatham & Clapham High School 862 -
Streatham Wells Primary Outstanding 235 -
Sudbourne Primary School Good 303 66%
Sunnyhill Primary School Good 419 69%
Telferscot Primary School Outstanding 428 85%
The Elmgreen School Good 1132 -
The Elms Academy (R) Good 813 -
The Livity School SEN Good 110 0%
The Norwood School Good 1052 -
The Orchard School (R) Outstanding 207 80%
The White House Preparatory School & Woodentops Kindergarten 180 -
Trinity Academy Good 622 -
Turney Primary and Secondary Special School SEN Outstanding 148 0%
Van Gogh Primary Good 304 60%
Vanguard School SEN Requires improvement 64 -
Vauxhall Primary School Good 218 93%
Walnut Tree Walk Primary School Good 372 79%
Woodmansterne School Good 1626 84%
Wyvil Primary School and Resource Bases for Speech, Language and Communication Needs, and Autism Good 467 77%
Save Secondary school Ofsted grade Total pupils GCSE Grade 5+ in English & maths
National average 39.6%
Ark Evelyn Grace Academy Requires improvement 464 35%
Bishop Thomas Grant Catholic Secondary School (R) Outstanding 1205 67%
City Heights E-ACT Academy Good 581 24%
DLD College 373 0%
Dunraven School Good 1803 48%
Elm Court School SEN Outstanding 153 0%
Evolve Academy - -
Harris Academy Clapham Good 582 -
Harris Clapham Sixth Form - -
Heron Academy SEN - -
JUS Education SEN - -
King's College London Maths School Outstanding - -
La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls' School (R) Outstanding 1122 59%
Lambeth College Good - -
Lansdowne School SEN Good 155 0%
Lilian Baylis Technology School Outstanding 845 50%
Morley College London Good - -
Oasis Academy South Bank Outstanding 726 61%
Octavia House Schools, London SEN 82 0%
Platanos College Good 844 59%
Saint Gabriel's College (R) Good 606 36%
Silburn Reid - -
South Bank University Sixth Form - -
Streatham & Clapham High School 877 0%
The Elmgreen School Good 1113 44%
The Elms Academy (R) Good 754 50%
The Norwood School Good 1065 42%
Trinity Academy Good 616 25%
Turney Primary and Secondary Special School SEN Outstanding 143 -
Vanguard School SEN Requires improvement 59 -
Woodmansterne School Good 1548 49%
Save Sixth forms Ofsted grade Total pupils Average result
National average 32.39
Bishop Thomas Grant Catholic Secondary School Outstanding 1175 39.1
City Heights E-ACT Academy Good 549 -
DLD College 414 36.36
Dunraven School Good 1791 35.38
Elm Court School Outstanding 147 -
Harris Clapham Sixth Form 337 31.44
Heron Academy 79 -
King's College London Maths School Outstanding 148 55
La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls' School Outstanding 1195 30.68
Lambeth College Good - -
Lansdowne School Good 164 -
Lilian Baylis Technology School Outstanding 844 30.29
Morley College London Good - -
Oasis Academy South Bank Outstanding 713 31.74
Platanos College Good 856 -
South Bank University Sixth Form 228 -
Streatham & Clapham High School 862 40.28
The Elmgreen School Good 1132 28.95
The Elms Academy Good 813 38.02
The Marine Society College of the Sea Good - -
The Norwood School Good 1052 35.18
Trinity Academy Good 622 30.69
Turney Primary and Secondary Special School Outstanding 148 -
Vanguard School Requires improvement 64 -
Woodmansterne School Good 1626 -
Save University Location
King's College London SE1 8WA

© Crown Copyright. Data is provided by the Department of Education.

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